PSA Delphi DCM7.1A + Valeo VD56 Added.
This update includes a new OBD solution for DCM7.1!
That’s not all, also BOOT protocol for the latest 1.2 THP’s with gasoline particle filter (GPF) fitted to EB2ADT 110 HP, EB2ADTS 130 HP & EB2ADTX 155 H!
How fast is it ?
DCM7.1A: Reading is a Virtual Read in a matter of seconds
The write time of the first flash is around 15 minutes.
Next flash is around 6 minutes 30 seconds.
VD56: Reading is a Full Read (Flash & Internal EEPROM) and takes around 50 seconds
The write time of the first flash is around 20 to 40 seconds.
How do I connect to the ECU?
DCM7.1A: You connect directly to the OBD socket.
VD56: A specific probe kit is required for connection, which can be ordered >>here<<
Do I need a battery charger?
Please note that a battery charger with at least 13.0 Volts is mandatory!
What control units are included in this bFlash update?
You can find the full list of control units below.
New OBD Protocols:

DCM7.1A TC297
DCM7.1A TC297
DCM7.1A TC297
DCM7.1A TC297
New BOOT Protocols:

Valeo VD56 TC297
Valeo VD56 TC297
Valeo VD56 TC297
Valeo VD56 TC297