New modules:
- Kia/Hyundai Kefico CPxxxx Petrol CAN module now ready for tests with:
FID 251: Kia/Hyundai Kefico CPGDSH2.2x.x/CPEGD2.20.x TC1782 2.5MB CAN read/write and checksum calculation
Supported ECUs: CPEGD2.20.1, CPEGD2.20.2, CPEGD2.20.3, CPEGD2.20.4, CPGDSH2.26.1, CPGDSH2.24.4
New families:
- China BYD TB10 Type 2 (FID:148) now added to module China Bosch Petrol with virtual reading/writing and checksum calculation
Improvements and fixes:
- Bosch US6.0/MSE6.0 fixed identification and virtual reading.
- Continental SIM2K-25x OBD writing fix for some vehicels with gateway
- Continental SIM2K-25x/26x improved password reading
- Various UI fixes
View Full Range of modules here.