Software module to flash Bosch MSE 3., US6.0 / MSE6.0 and MSE8.0 ECUs through the diagnostic connector. It allows identification and writing of the calibrations area. Virtual reading of original files via internet server.
*The J2534 Tactrix Openport 2.0 interface and a BitSoftware Senselock USB dongle are required in order to use this software!
Bosch MSE3.0 (FID: 6, 78)
ECU is based on MCU ST10F275 with internal memory area 832Kb. Allows Virtual Reading and Writing with CS fixing. If we have no file on server it is possible to read in BSL mode with FID:78.
Bosch MSE6.0/US6.0 (FID: 79)
ECU is based on MCU SPC563M64 with internal memory area 1.5Mb. Allows Virtual Reading (and real reading if no file on server) and Writing with CS fixing. Work is possible on the BENCH only in case that there is no CANbus in diagnostic plug.
Bosch MSE8.0 (FID: 413)
ECU is based on MCU SPC572 with internal memory 1.5Mb. Allows Reading and Writing of calibration area with CS fixing.
Different vehicle producers can have some changes in software identification. If u have any issues during getting ID please try read with no ID and send file to support.
Bosch ME17.8.10 (FID: 416)
ECU is based on MCU Infineon TC1728 with internal memory 1.5Mb. Allows Reading and Writing with CS fixing. Work is possible on the with diagnostic plug or on the BENCH.