ByteShooter update information from 14.08.2012


As you have stated with certainty, it was for some time no published ByteShooter update. This does

not mean that there are no others, on the contrary, but we are working hard on a major update (V4.00).

We want you as a customer in this way to give a small sample of the next update, which will soon be




Opel 1.4T/1.6T/2.0T Delco_5_can OBD

Mercedes OM651 OBD CRD2.xx_can

VAG 1.6TDI PCR2.x_can OBD

VAG 1.6TDI PCR2.x_eep Bootmode (Eep unlocker)

VAG DSG 7G DQ200_Kline_can

VAG DSG 7G DQ500_can


numerous changes and checksums etc.


What updates are still in preparation

We want to reveal yet at this point. Let us surprise you 😉

For this update is a hardware firmwareugrade necessary. This firmware upgrade contains several

enhancements and additional protection by an additional hardware dongle via USB or which can be

elegantly integrated into your system as SD_card.


This measure is necessary because, unfortunately, has made great efforts in the past, our hardware

and software to manipulate.