Manuals, Software and Utilities available for download:
Free Software:
MEDC17 BlocksAlientech:
K-Suite CarlistK-Suite Setup
Please note, some browsers and virus scanners may identify this software as potentially unsafe. Please rest assured it is clean, however because of the way the executable file is packed it is sometimes mistaken as malware. For this reason the downloads are protected by a password, which is “bbpass123”.
BitBox Supported Car / ECU ListBitBox Setup
BitBox Slave Setup
BitEdit Setup
USB Driver
bFlash ECU ListbFlash Setup
ByteShooter CarlistByteShooter Drivers
ByteShooter Software
CMDFlash SetupCMDFlash Carlist
CMDFlash BDM Manual
Dimsport Vehicle ListMPPS:
FLEX Vehicle ListPCMFlash:
PCMFlash SetupI/O Terminal Tool:
Please note, some browsers and virus scanners may identify this software as potentially unsafe. Please rest assured it is clean, however because of the way the executable file is packed it is sometimes mistaken as malware. For this reason the downloads are protected by a password, which is “iotpass”.
I/O Terminal Tool User ManualTwin CAN Modification
Siemens ECU Tool
Marelli ECU Tool
Denso ECU Tool
Bosch Tool
Easytronic Tool
Motorcycle Tool
Fiat BSI Tool
ST10 Flasher – FREE!
CAN Scanner / Logger – FREE!
Dump tool SID206/305 – FREE!
Scanmatik SoftwareTactrix:
ECU Flash SoftwareUSB Drivers
Turrin Elettronica:
MTM-CAN Carlist